Words for Promotion
Joseph lost his position as an overseer in the house of Potiphar and was put into prison being wrongly accused by Potiphar’s wife. Joseph did not feel sorrow for himself whilst in prison, but rather went about encouraging his mates, who both had dreams and were sad about it. One day, Pharaoh had a dream and Joseph was called out of prison to interpret Pharaoh’s dream; he was then promoted from the prison to being second ruler to Pharaoh (Genesis 39, 40, 41:14-43). God has a plan to promote us to a greater level and that path will often lead through some sort of challenges. You may lose your job for no reason, but it is these experiences in life that God prepares you for something greater. One thing we must always remember is that regardless of the nature of our experiences we may face, God knows and has something better for us than what we have lost. He is the Almighty God who can make us enter into opportunities we did not even expect. We are important to God, He loves us and has great plan for our lives. You may have lost your job, but God has a better job for you. Psalm 75:6 says God is the one who promotes. God will connect you to the right people for your promotion as He did for Joseph.
Scriptures for reading
John 21:3-6
2 Kings 4:1-7
Psalm 75:6-7
Psalm 66:12
Psalm 34:10
Deuteronomy 8:5-18
Daniel 2:48
Psalm 113:7
Psalm 3:3
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